Our Platform
Through our family of branded technology companies, we provide software and payment processing services to all types of businesses in North America. While we have been significantly successful in the auto industry, this platform is applied to and available for all vertical software companies including integrated software partners and industry consultants.
Our passion is providing tools that help our companies grow and maximize their profits. For example: Our Auto Channel has enabled our brand of companies to offer a suite of products to clients looking to expand within their existing vertical or into multiple auto segments, such as dealerships and collision services. These cross-selling opportunities have enabled Convenient Brands to be a trusted partner for multiple types of businesses in the auto space.
The platform and strategy are also applied to other verticals. Through integrated partnerships, the platform is extremely successful with Government, Property Management, Unions, Healthcare, and Non-Profit Verticals.
We are proud of the value we have brought to our clients and continue to focus on providing market leading software and automation tools that will enable them to grow further.